Saturday, June 19, 2010

no ammonia hair color

its finally here Inoa the no ammonia, no odor, hair color. Lily and Alizabeth are both certified come in and check it out!

today we say goodbye

today our beautiful receptionist Judy is leaving us to live out her days in Ohio. you will be miss Judy!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

hair balls

someone came up with the crazy idea the hair attracts grease and created these hair bombs made of hair stuffed into stockings and wha la a grease trap to use for the oil spill. Goodform has been collecting and sending hair for weeks. check it out

green is gold

we are committed to being conscience to the environment here at goodform. that said this week we got rid of the sparkletts water bottles in favor of a water purifier. also we got rid of the plastic silverware. little steps.